Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Bootstrap Date Picker with CodedUI Automation [CUIT]

Eliminating Inner Text Properties : CodedUI (CUIT)

Question : CodedUI [CUIT] doesn't work with Bootstrap Date Picker

Solution. :

1. Record Each Click as one test method (for the DateTimePicker)
#region BudgetStartDateSelection
public void InvokeStartDateField()
public void SelectStartDateMonth()
public void SelectStartDateYear()
public void SelectStartDateYearRange() { } //
public void SelectStartDateYearfromYears()
public void SelectStartDate_Month()
public void SelectStatDate_Date()
view raw Budgets.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub
Once these test methods are recorded, make sure to move each of the test method to UIMap.cs from UIMap.Designer.cs using UIMap.uitest
Navigating back to Months
2. Select the test Method wrote for clicking on the name of the month to navigate back to years - SelectStartDateMonth().
public void SelectStartDateMonth()
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select the 'SelectStartDateMonth' and press F12, which will navigate to UIMap.Designer.cs and will display the below code.

public void SelectStartDateMonth() // Clicks on the month title on Start Date DT-Picker
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlHeaderCell uIAugust2015Cell = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItemTable.UIAugust2015Cell;
// Click 'August 2015' cell
Mouse.Click(uIAugust2015Cell, new Point(71, 9));
3. Modify the SelectStartDateMonth() in UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties

public void SelectStartDateMonth() // Click on the month title on Start Date DT-Picker
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlHeaderCell uIAugust2015Cell = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItemTable.UIAugust2015Cell;
//Eliminating the InnerText search property which Spies while the runtime
// Click 'August 2015' cell
Mouse.Click(uIAugust2015Cell, new Point(71, 9));
Navigating back to Year Range
4. Select the test Method wrote for clicking on the name of the year to navigate back to range of years - SelectStartDateYear().
public void SelectStartDateYear() // Click on the year title on Start Date DT-Picker
view raw Budgets.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub
select the 'SelectStartDateYear' and press F12, which will navigate to UIMap.Designer.cs and will display the below code.
public void SelectStartDateYear()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlHeaderCell uIItem2015Cell = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItemTable1.UIItem2015Cell;
// Click '2015' cell
Mouse.Click(uIItem2015Cell, new Point(75, 25));
5. Modify the SelectStartDateYear() in UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties

public void SelectStartDateYear()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlHeaderCell uIItem2015Cell = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItemTable1.UIItem2015Cell;
//Eliminating the InnerText search property which Spies while the runtime
// Click '2015' cell
Mouse.Click(uIItem2015Cell, new Point(75, 25));
Selecting the year from the range 2010-2019
6. Select the test Method wrote for selecting a year - SelectStartDateYearfromYears()
public void SelectStartDateYearfromYears()
view raw Budgets.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub
select the 'SelectStartDateYearfromYears()' and press F12. which will navigate to UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties
public void SelectStartDateYearfromYears()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlSpan uIItem2015Pane = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItem2015Pane;
// Click '2015' pane
Mouse.Click(uIItem2015Pane, new Point(17, 30));
7. Modify the SelectStartDateYearfromYears() in UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties
public void SelectStartDateYearfromYears()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlSpan uIItem2015Pane = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItem2015Pane;
//Eliminate the Class and ControlDefinition Filter Properties to ignore 'Year Active'
//Customise the Inner Text Property with desired value for Year
uIItem2015Pane.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlDiv.PropertyNames.InnerText, "2011", PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains);
// Click '2015' pane
Mouse.Click(uIItem2015Pane, new Point(17, 30));

Selecting the month from the year
8. Select the test Method wrote for selecting a Month - SelectStartDate_Month()
public void SelectStartDate_Month() // Selecting a month from the year
view raw Budgets.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub

select the 'SelectStartDate_Month()' and press F12. which will navigate to UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties
public void SelectStartDate_Month()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlSpan uIDecPane = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIDecPane;
// Click 'Dec' pane
Mouse.Click(uIDecPane, new Point(23, 32));
9.  Modify the SelectStartDate_Month() in UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties
public void SelectStartDate_Month()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlSpan uIDecPane = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIDecPane;
//Eliminate the Class and ControlDefinition Filter Properties
//Customise the Inner Text Property with desired value for Month
uIDecPane.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlDiv.PropertyNames.InnerText, "Jun", PropertyExpressionOperator.Contains);
// Click 'Dec' pane
Mouse.Click(uIDecPane, new Point(23, 32));

Selecting the date from the month
10.Select the test Method wrote for selecting a Date - SelectStatDate_Date()
public void SelectStatDate_Date()
view raw Budgets.cs hosted with ❤ by GitHub
select the 'SelectStatDate_Date()' and press F12. which will navigate to UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties
public void SelectStatDate_Date()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlCell uIItem15Cell = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItemTable2.UIItem15Cell;
// Click '15' cell
Mouse.Click(uIItem15Cell, new Point(17, 13));

11. Modify the SelectStatDate_Date() in UIMap.Designer.cs as code snippet follows to eliminate the search properties
public void SelectStatDate_Date()
#region Variable Declarations
HtmlCell uIItem15Cell = this.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeWindow1.UIButtonwoodIaaSCostCeDocument2.UIItemTable2.UIItem15Cell;
//Eliminate the Inner Text
//Customise the Inner Text Property with desired value for Date
uIItem15Cell.SearchProperties.Add(HtmlCell.PropertyNames.InnerText, "20");
// Click '15' cell
Mouse.Click(uIItem15Cell, new Point(17, 13));


Now the customized date selection run starts.

Recording Steps:-
Initial Stage:

Click 1 : InvokeStartDateField()

Click 3 : SelectStartDateMonth()

Click 4 : SelectStartDateYear()

Click 5 : Selecting the year from the range 2010-2019 : 2011
Click 6 : Selecting the month from the selected year :
Click 6 : Selecting the date from the selected month :

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

What is Unit test, Integration Test, Smoke test, Regression Test?

  • Unit test: Specify and test one point of the contract of single method of a class. This should have a very narrow and well defined scope. Complex dependencies and interactions to the outside world are stubbed or mocked.
  • Integration test: Test the correct inter-operation of multiple subsystems. There is whole spectrum there, from testing integration between two classes, to testing integration with the production environment.
  • Smoke test (aka Sanity check): A simple integration test where we just check that when the system under test is invoked it returns normally and does not blow up. It is an analogy with electronics, where the first test occurs when powering up a circuit: if it smokes, it's bad.
  • Regression test: A test that was written when a bug was fixed. It ensure that this specific bug will not occur again. The full name is "non-regression test". It can also be a test made prior to changing an application to make sure the application provides the same outcome.
To this, I will add:
  • Acceptance test: Test that a feature or use case is correctly implemented. It is similar to an integration test, but with a focus on the use case to provide rather than on the components involved.
  • System test: Test that tests a system as a black box. Dependencies on other systems are often mocked or stubbed during the test (otherwise it would be more of an integration test).
  • Pre-flight check: Tests that are repeated in a production-like environment, to alleviate the 'builds on my machine' syndrome. Often this is realized by doing an acceptance or smoke test in a production like environment\
    src : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520064/what-is-unit-test-integration-test-smoke-test-regression-test

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Restrict the Keyboard for Numerical Keyboard for a Text Field in Windows Phone

Restrict the Keyboard for Numerical Keyboard(Number Pad) for a Text Field in Windows Phone

This avoid the user for entering Letters in a field which requires to be entered only numbers.

Set the InputScope to Number.


<TextBox InputScope="Number" Name="txtPhoneNumber" />


InputScope scope = new InputScope();
InputScopeName name = new InputScopeName();

name.NameValue = InputScopeNameValue.Number;

txtPhoneNumber.InputScope = scope;

Above code snippets taken from this MSDN article which you can review for more information.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Abstract Classess and Abstract Method

**code example**namespace Abstract_Classess
    class Program

        abstract class abstract_class
            public abstract void abstract_method(); //public, protected
            public void concrete_method()  //public,private, protected
                //do this and that
                //print "concreate class"

        class abs_derived1 : abstract_class
            void abstract_method()
                //specific functionality one
                //add 1

            void norm_method()

        class abs_derived2 : abstract_class
            void abstract_method()
                //specific functionality two
                //add 5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            abstract_class abs_class = new abstract_class();
            //cannont create an object of an abstract class

            abstract_class abs_der1 = new abs_derived1(); //possible
            abstract_class abs_der2 = new abs_derived2(); //possible

            abs_der1.abstract_method(); //possible
            abs_der1.concrete_method(); //possible
            abs_der1.abstract_method(); //impossible
            /* not possbile since its not declared in the abstract class. 
             * if needs to call, the function header must be in the abstract class as an abstract method.

*if you need to call it, create an object from an abstract_derived caalss and call it like below*/
            abs_derived1 abs_der1_obj = new abs_derived1();
            abs_der1_obj.norm_method(); //possible


Thursday, May 22, 2014

Frame rate counters in the emulator for Windows Phone 8

When you run an app in Windows Phone Emulator, you can use the frame rate counters to monitor the performance of your app. The following illustration shows the frame rate counters.

Frame rate counter descriptions

The following table describes each frame rate counter. For information about the recommended ranges of values for individual frame rate counters, see the section “Identifying Performance Issues for Graphics-Intensive Applications” in the topic App performance considerations for Windows Phone 8.
Frame rate counter
Composition (Render) Thread Frame Rate (FPS)
The rate at which the screen is updated.
User Interface Thread Frame Rate (FPS)
The rate at which the UI thread is running.
Texture Memory Usage
The video memory and system memory copies of textures being used in the app.
Surface Counter
The number of explicit surfaces being passed to the GPU for processing.
Intermediate Surface Counter
The number of implicit surfaces generated as a result of cached surfaces.
Screen Fill Rate Counter
The number of pixels being painted per frame in terms of screens. A value of 1 represents the number of pixels in the current screen resolution – for example, 480 x 800 pixels.

Enabling and disabling the frame rate counters

You can enable or disable the display of the frame rate counters in your code. When you create a Windows Phone app project in Visual Studio, the following code to enable the frame rate counters is added by default in the file App.xaml.cs.
// Show graphics profiling information while debugging.
if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached)
    // Display the current frame rate counters.
    Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true;

    // other code…

To disable the frame rate counters

  • Comment out the line of code that enables the frame rate counters as shown in the following code.
    // Display the current frame rate counters.
    //Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true;
  • Set EnableFrameRateCounter to false as shown in the following code.
    // Do not display the current frame rate counters.
    Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = false;

To enable the frame rate counters

  • Set EnableFrameRateCounter to true as shown in the following code.
    // Display the current frame rate counters.
    Application.Current.Host.Settings.EnableFrameRateCounter = true;

Monday, May 12, 2014

Freelancer Orientation 2014 Q & A

Freelancer Orientation Exam Latest Question and Verified answers 2014

1.Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on? 
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard 
2. How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On Freelancer.com 
Answer:  There is No Cost To Register 
3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids? 
Answer: All of these 
4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer 
Answer: False 
5. How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects 
Answer: BY any of these Methods 
6. What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member? 
Answer: 500 Bids Limit 
7. How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids? 
Answer: All Of These 
8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board? 
ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding
9. how can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project 
Answer: All of these 
10. Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left? 
Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard 
11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project? 
Answer: Any of these 
12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project? 
Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox 
13. How much does it cost to bid on a project? 
Answer: It Depends on the project budget 
14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer? 
Answer: All of these are correct. 
15. Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project? 
Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.
16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private? 
Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid
17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member? 
Answer: 50
18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile? 
Answer: 100
19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project 
Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support
20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project? 
Answer: Any of these
21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on freelancer.com? 
Answer: Any of these
22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not? 
The employer doesn’t allow feedback 
23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method? 
Answer:All of these are correct 
24. If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid? 
Answer: Enter an amount in the "Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?" box on the bid form.
24.I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do? 
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.
25. I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do? 
Answer:Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.
26. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline? 
  Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible
27.What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods? 
     Answer: All of these are correct
28.How can Freelancers earn back their bids?  
Answer:By accepting a project that has been awarded to them.
29.Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on Freelancer.com 
Answer:Freelancer Affiliate Program
30. I've completed a project, but the employer hasn't made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do? 
Answer:There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system
31. When does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project? 
Answer:When the freelancer accepts the project
32. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do? 
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request
33. What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project? 
Answer:Send his/her email address
34. Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project? 
Answer:Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback
35. Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left? 
Answer:In the "Welcome" section of the Dashboard
36. Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project? 
Answer:work samples
37. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids? 
Answer:All of these
38. What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member? 
39. How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on Freelancer.com? 
Answer:There is no cost to register.
40. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods? 
Answer:All of these are correct
41. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project? 
Answer:There is no way to contact an employer
42. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project? 
Answer:Send a private message to the employer's Inbox.
43. Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project? 
Answer:Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.
44. I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do? 
Answer:Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.
45. I have submitted feedback for an employer, but it doesn't show on the employer's profile. Why not? 
Answer:The employer hasn't yet submitted feedback for you.
46. How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects? 
Answer:By any of these methods
47. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline? 
Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible.

Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on?
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard
2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer OnFreelancer.com
Answer: There is No Cost To Register
3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer: All of these
4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer
Answer: False
5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects
Answer: BY any of these Methods
6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member?
Answer: 500 Bids Limit
7. Question: How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids?
Answer: All Of These
8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board?
ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding
9. Question: how can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project
Answer: All of these
10. Question: Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left?
Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard
11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these
12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project?
Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox
13. How much does it cost to bid on a project?
Answer: It Depends on the project budget
14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer?
Answer: All of these are correct.
15. Question : Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project?
Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.
16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?
Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid
17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member?
Answer: 50
18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?
Answer: 100
19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project
Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support
20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these
21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money onfreelancer.com?
Answer: Any of these
22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not?
The employer doesn’t allow feedback
23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method?
Answer:All of these are correct
If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid?
Enter an amount in the “Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?” box on the bid form.
24.I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.
I’ve noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com’s policies. What should I do?
Answer:Submit a ticket to the “Report Violations” department of Online Support.
What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible
27.What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods?
Answer: All of these are correct
28.How can Freelancers earn back their bids?
Answer:By accepting a project that has been awarded to them.
29.Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money onFreelancer.com
Answer:Freelancer Affiliate Program
I’ve completed a project, but the employer hasn’t made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do?
Answer:There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system
When does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project?
Answer:When the freelancer accepts the project
I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request
What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project?
Answer:Send his/her email address
Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project?
Answer:Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback
Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left?
Answer:In the “Welcome” section of the Dashboard
Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project?
Answer:work samples
How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer:All of these
What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member?
How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on Freelancer.com?
Answer:There is no cost to register.
What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods?
Answer:All of these are correct
How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Answer:There is no way to contact an employer
How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Answer:Send a private message to the employer’s Inbox.
Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
Answer:Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.
I’ve noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com’s policies. What should I do?
Answer:Submit a ticket to the “Report Violations” department of Online Support.
I have submitted feedback for an employer, but it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile. Why not?
Answer:The employer hasn’t yet submitted feedback for you.
How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
Answer:By any of these methods
What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible.

Question 1
How much does it cost to bid on a project?
·         It depends on the project budget.
·         There is no cost to place a bid.
·         $1.00 USD
·         $5.00 USD (refundable)
·         It depends on whether you are on a membership plan.Bottom of Form
Question 2
What should a freelancer do after being selected for a project if contact can’t be established with the employer and no milestone payment has been created?
·         Send an email threatening to report the employer.
·         Just quit working on the project and let the employer cancel it.
·         Send a support ticket requesting that the employer’s account be suspended.
·         If the employer doesn’t respond after a reasonable amount of time, send a request to cancel the project.
·         Just complete the project and send the deliverables to the employer.Bottom of Form
Question 3
Where can I find a list of projects I’m currently working on?
·         There is no list.
·         On the sidebar
·         Browse Jobs>Awarded
·         Projects>Current Projects
·         On the Freelancer view of my Dashboard
Question 4
How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
·         Follow up bids with a short, informative Private Message.
·         Have a complete Freelancer Profile.
·         All of these
·         Read project descriptions carefully.
·         Take exams to demonstrate proficiencies.
Question 5
If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid?
·         Payments can only be discussed after a project award.
·         Only by way of a Private Message.
·         Enter an amount in the “Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?” box on the bid form.
·         Employers should always expect to create a Milestone Payment for the full bid amount.
·         Freelancers are not allowed to request Milestone Payments.
Question 6
I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
·         Do nothing.
·         Cancel the project immediately.
·         Just start working on the project.
·         Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.
·         Contact Freelancer.com support to report the employer.
Question 8
How much commission will be deducted from a Standard member’s account for a project awarded for a bid of $300.00?
·         $30.00
·         $27.00
·         $15.00
·         $0.00
·         $25.00
Question 9
Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project?
·         work samples
·         phone number
·         none of these
·         all of these
·         email address
Question 10
What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project?
·         Ask for the employer’s contact information in exchange
·         Send his/her phone number
·         Send his/her email address
·         Report the employer to Freelancer.com support
·         Withdraw his/her bid immediately
Question 11
How can a freelancer avoid being cheated on a project?
·         Ask any questions necessary to clarify the work before accepting a project award.
·         All of these
·         Read project details carefully before bidding.
·         Check the employer’s feedback before bidding.
·         Don’t start working until a Milestone Payment has been created.
Question 12
Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
·         Only if the employer approves the change.
·         Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.
·         No, all bids are final.
·         Only if he/she is a Premium member.
·         It depends on the project.
Question 13
I’ve completed a project, but the employer hasn’t made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do?
·         Contact support to get the employer’s email address.
·         Submit a dispute against the employer.
·         There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system.
·         Contact support to have the employer suspended.
·         Contact Freelancer.com’s legal department.
Question 14

I’ve noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com’s policies. What should I do?
·         Bid on the project, then send a private message to the employer.
·         Post a message to the Project Clarification board to warn other freelancers.
·         Submit a ticket to the “Report Violations” department of Online Support.
·         Place a bid with a notification of the violation in it.
·         All of these.
Question 15
Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project?
·         Provide quality products and/or services.
·         Communicate with the employer frequently.
·         Start the project promptly.
·         Complete the project on time.
·         Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback.
Question 16
How many job types can a Premium member have selected in the Exams and Skills section of his/her profile?
·         unlimited
·         100
·         25
·         30
·         250
Question 17
What should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project?
·         Simply withdraw the bid.
·         Send a message to the employer
·         Contact the FBI and report the incident
·         Report the activity to Freelancer.com support
·         Post a message to the Project Clarification board.
Question 18
How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
·         On the Freelancer.com website
·         By any of these methods
·         On Twitter
·         By subscribing to the RSS feed
·         Visiting the Latest Projects under the Browse Projects menu item
Question 19
How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on Freelancer.com?
·         A one-time fee of $12.95 USD
·         There is no cost to register.
·         $5.00 USD per month
·         $24.95 USD per month
·         It depends on the number of projects I want to post per month.
Question 20
Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancers as an employer.
·         true only for Australian accounts
·         true
·         true only for members who registered after October 1, 2010
·         false
·         not required, but recommended
Question 21
What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member?
·         There is no bid limit for Premium members.
·         160 bids
·         500 bids
·         100 bids
·         300 bids
Question 22
Which of the following is the correct way for a freelancer to use the Project Clarification board?
·         To change the freelancer’s bid
·         To provide a link to the freelancer’s website
·         Any of these
·         To warn other freelancers about the employer
·         To ask questions about a project after bidding.
Question 23
Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as Private?
·         Only if he/she is a Basic member.
·         Yes, as long as he/she is logged in, has enough bids, and matching skills.
·         No, only invited freelancers can bid on a Private project.
·         Yes, but there is a $3.00 fee to bid.
·         There is no such thing as a Private project.
Question 24
Can a freelancer place a bid outside the budget limits set by an employer?
·         No
·         Yes, but only lower
·         Yes, either higher or lower.
·         Yes, but only higher.
·         Only on Full-Time projects
Question 25
Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on Freelancer.com?
·         Freelancer Affiliate Program
·         Freelancer Marketplace
·         Any of these
·         Freelancer Invite a Friend Module
·         There are no other ways.
Question 26
What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
·         Just don’t deliver the project.
·         Only the freelancer receiving a Milestone Payment can cancel it.
·         Launch a dispute as soon as possible.
·         Send a message to the employer asking why it was cancelled.
·         Contact freelancer.com support and report the employer.
Question 27
What advantages does Standard membership offer a freelancer?
·         All of these are correct.
·         A higher monthly bid limit
·         Lower commissions on projects
·         Access to Freelancer Rewards
·         Increase the number of skills able to be selected
Question 28
How can a freelancer deliver a project to the employer?
·         By postal mail on CD or DVD.
·         Via upload to the private message board.
·         Via upload from the Files tab on the project page
·         Via private FTP.
·         By any of these methods.
Question 29
Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left?
·         In the Newsfeed on the Dashboard.
·         In the “Welcome” section of the Dashboard.
·         On the Payments & Account page.
·         On his/her Profile page.
·         All of these are correct.
Question 30
Which of the following methods is recommended for a freelancer to draw extra attention to his/her bid on a project?
·         Change the bid often.
·         Post a message to the Project Clarification board.
·         Make the bid explanation as long as possible.
·         Choose the “Highlight My Bid” option.
1.  Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on?
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard
Question 6 / 20
How much commission will be deducted from a Standard member’s account for a project awarded for a bid of $300.00?
Answer: $15.00
Q. How can a freelancer avoid being cheated on a project?
Ans: All of these
1.Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on? 

Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard 

2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On Freelancer.com 

Answer: There is No Cost To Register 

3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids? 

Answer: All of these 

4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer

Answer: False 

5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects 

Answer: BY any of these Methods 

6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member? 

Answer: 500 Bids Limit 

7. How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids? 

Answer: All Of These 

8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board? 

ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding

9. How can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project 

Answer: All of these 

10. Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left? 

Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard 

11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project? 

Answer: Any of these 

12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project? 

Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox 

13. How much does it cost to bid on a project? 

Answer: It Depends on the project budget 

14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer? 

Answer: All of these are correct. 

15. Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project? 

Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.

16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?

Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid

17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member? 

Answer: 50

18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?

Answer: 100

19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project 

Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support

20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project? 

Answer: Any of these

21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on freelancer.com? 

Answer: Any of these

22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not? 

The employer doesn’t allow feedback 

23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method? 

Answer:All of these are correct 

24. If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid? 

Answer: Enter an amount in the "Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?" box on the bid form.

24. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do? 

. Answer: Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.

25. I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do? 

Answer:Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.

26. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline? 

Answer: Launch a dispute as soon as possible

27. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods? 

Answer: All of these are correct

28. How can Freelancers earn back their bids? 

Answer:By accepting a project that has been awarded to them.

29. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on Freelancer.com 

Answer:Freelancer Affiliate Program

30. I've completed a project, but the employer hasn't made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do?

Answer: There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system

31. When does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project? 

Answer:When the freelancer accepts the project

32. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do? 

Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request

33. What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project? 

Answer: Send his/her email address

34. Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project? 

Answer: Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback

35. Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left? 

Answer: In the "Welcome" section of the Dashboard

36. Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project? 

Answer: work samples

37. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids? 

Answer: All of these

38. What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member?

Answer: 500

39. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods? 

Answer: All of these are correct

40. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project? 

Answer: There is no way to contact an employer

42. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project? 

Answer: Send a private message to the employer's Inbox.

43. Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?

Answer: Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.

44. I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do? 

Answer: Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.

45. I have submitted feedback for an employer, but it doesn't show on the employer's profile. Why not? 

Answer: The employer hasn't yet submitted feedback for you.

46. How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects? 

Answer: By any of these methods

47. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?

Answer: Launch a dispute as soon as possible.

  Q.           How much does it cost to bid on a project
Ans:         There is no cost to place a bid

Q.         How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Ans:         Send the private message to the employer’s inbox

Q.         Where can I find a list of projects I am currently working on?
Ans:         On the freelancer tab View of My dashboard

Q.          What is monthly bid limit for a premium member?
Ans:         500

Q.        What would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Ans:         His/her skill doesn’t match the project

Q.            How many job types can a Premium member have selected in the Qualifications section of his/her profile?
Ans:         250

Q.         What advantages does Standard membership offer a freelancer?
Ans:         All of these

Q.         How can increase his/her chance of winning bids
Ans:         All of these

Q.           What should a freelancer do if the employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project?
Ans:         Report the employer to freelancer support

Q.           How can a freelancer avoid being cheated on a project?
Ans:         All of these

Q.          I have completed a project but the employer hasn’t made the paypal payment promised. What should I do?
Ans:         There is no recourse available on freelancer.com for projects paid outside the milestone payment system.

Q.          What advantage does the milestone payment system offer freelancers over the other payment method?
Ans:         All of these are correct

Q.         Which of the following is not a good way for a freelancer to
ensure good feedback for a project?
Ans:         Offer a low price in exchange for good feedback

Q.          Which of the following methods is recommended for a freelancer to draw extra attention to his her bid on a project?
Ans:         Choose the highlight my bid option

Q.        Which of the following is a correct way for a freelancer to use the project clarification board?
Ans:         To ask questions about project after bidding

Q.          How much commission will be deducted from a standard members account for a project awarded for a bid of $300?
Ans:         $15

Q.          Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left?
Ans:         In the welcome section of the dashboard

Q.          I was awarded a project several days ago, but the milestone payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
Ans:         Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request

Q.          If a freelancer prefers not to star a project until a milestone payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid?
Ans:         Enter a amount in the initial milestone percentage required (0-100) box in the bid form

Q.          How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on freelancer.com?
Ans:         There is no cost to register

Q.          Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project?
Ans:         All of these, email address, work samples, phone address

Q.          Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
Ans:         Yes, if the project is still open for bidding

Q.          I have submitted a feedback for an employer, but it doesn’t shows on employer’s profile. Why not?
Ans:         The employer hasn’t yet submitted feedback for you.

Q.          What should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project?
Ans:         Report the activity to freelancer.com support.

Q.          What is a monthly bid limit for a basic member?
Ans:         50

Q.          How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
Ans:         By any of these methods

Q.          Can a freelancer bid on a project that posted as Private?
Ans:         There is no such thing as a private project

Q.          Multiple freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancers as an employer
Ans:         False

Q.          What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Ans:         Send a message to the employer asking why it was canceled

   Q.        I’ve Completed a project,but the employee hasn’t made the paypal payment    
promised,what should I do? 
   Ans:        These is no recourse available on freelancer.com for projects paid outside  the milestone payment system

Q. how much does it cost to bid on a project?
     there is no cost to place a bid
Q. how can a freelancer contact on employer before being selected for a project?
send the private message to the employer’s in box
Q. how many job types can a premium member have selected in the qualifications
       section of his/her profile?
Q. how can increase his/her chance of winning bids ?
              All of these
Q. how can a freelancer avoid being cheated on a project?
              All of these
Q. how much commission will be deducted from a standard member account for a                
       project awarded for a bid of $ 300?

Q. how much does it cost to register as a freelancer onfreelancer.com?
             There is no cost to register
Q. how can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
            By any of these methods
Q. how can a freelancer avoid being cheated on a project?
             all of these 
Q. how can a freelancer deliver a project to the employer?
             any thing


Q. where can i find a list of projects I’m currently working on?
            on the freelancer tab view of my dashboard
Q. where can a freelancer see how many bid he/she has left?
            in the welcome section of the dashboard

Q. where can a freelancer see if an employer has created a milestone payment for                         

      him/ her?

all of these are 


Q. what is monthly bid limit for a premium member?
Q. what would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
          his/her skill doesn’t match the project 
Q. what advantages does standard membership offer a freelancer?
          all of these
Q. what should a freelancer do if the employer asks for his/her contact information              
       before awarding him/her a project?

report the employer to freelancer support
Q. what advantage does the milestone payment system offer freelancers over the                  
       other payment method?

 all of these are correct
Q. what should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after                         
      bidding a project?

report the activity to freelancer.com
Q. what is a monthly bid limit for a basic member?

Q. what action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a milestone payment            

      before the project deadline?

send a massage to the employer asking why it was canceled


Q. I have completed a project but the employer hasn’t made the paypal payment                  
       promised what should i do?

there is no recourse available on freelancer.com for projects part outside the milestone payment system
Q. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the milestone payment I                                
       requested hasn’t been created. what should I do?

contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request
Q. I’ve noticed a project that violates freelancer.com’spolicies. what should I do?
           summit a ticket to the “Report violations” department of online support
Q. I have submitted a feedback for an employer, but it doesn’t shows on employer’s            
      profile. why not? 

 the employer hasn’t yet submitted feedback for you
Q. which of the following is not a good way for a freelancer to ensure good                           
       feedback for a project?

offer a low price in exchange for good feedback
Q. which of the following methods is recommended for a freelancer to draw extra                
       attention to his/her bid on a project?

 choose the highlight my bid option
Q. which of the following is a correct for a freelancer to use the project clarification              

  to ask questions about project after bidding
Q. which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after                    
      bidding on a project?

all of these
             email address, work sample, phone address


Q. can a freelancer place a bid outside the budget limits set by an employer?

 Yes, but only higher
Q. can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
             Yes, if the project is still open for bidding
Q. can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?
              there is no such thing as a private project


Q. besides doing employer projects. how else can a freelancer make money on                    
 any of these


Q. If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a milestone payment has been                
        created, how can he/ she let prospective employers know that when placing a 
               bid ?

 enter a amount in the initial milestone percentage required (0-100) box in the bid form


Q. multiple freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a                
       freelancer and hire freelancers as an employer



p>Q. when does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project?
             when the freelancer accepts the project

1.Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on? 

Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard 

2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On Freelancer.com 

Answer: There is No Cost To Register 

3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids? 

Answer: All of these 

4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer

Answer: False 

5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects 

Answer: BY any of these Methods 

6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member? 

Answer: 500 Bids Limit 

7. How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids? 

Answer: All Of These 

8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board? 

ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding

9. How can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project 

Answer: All of these 

10. Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left? 

Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard 

11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project? 

Answer: Any of these 

12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project? 

Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox 

13. How much does it cost to bid on a project? 

Answer: It Depends on the project budget 

14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer? 

Answer: All of these are correct. 

15. Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project? 

Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.

16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?

Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid

17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member? 

Answer: 50

18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?

Answer: 100

19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project 

Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support

20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project? 

Answer: Any of these

21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on freelancer.com? 

Answer: Any of these

22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not? 

The employer doesn’t allow feedback 

23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method? 

Answer:All of these are correct 

24. If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid? 

Answer: Enter an amount in the "Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?" box on the bid form.

24. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do? 

. Answer: Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.

25. I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do? 

Answer:Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.

26. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline? 

Answer: Launch a dispute as soon as possible

27. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods? 

Answer: All of these are correct

28. How can Freelancers earn back their bids? 

Answer:By accepting a project that has been awarded to them.

29. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on Freelancer.com 

Answer:Freelancer Affiliate Program

30. I've completed a project, but the employer hasn't made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do?

Answer: There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system

31. When does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project? 

Answer:When the freelancer accepts the project

32. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do? 

Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request

33. What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project? 

Answer: Send his/her email address

34. Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project? 

Answer: Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback

35. Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left? 

Answer: In the "Welcome" section of the Dashboard

36. Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project? 

Answer: work samples

37. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids? 

Answer: All of these

38. What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member?

Answer: 500

39. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods? 

Answer: All of these are correct

40. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project? 

Answer: There is no way to contact an employer

42. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project? 

Answer: Send a private message to the employer's Inbox.

43. Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?

Answer: Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.

44. I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do? 

Answer: Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.

45. I have submitted feedback for an employer, but it doesn't show on the employer's profile. Why not? 

Answer: The employer hasn't yet submitted feedback for you.

46. How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects? 

Answer: By any of these methods

47. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?

Answer: Launch a dispute as soon as possible

1. Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on?
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard

2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On Freelancer.com
Answer:  There is No Cost To Register

3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer: All of these

4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer
Answer: False

5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects
Answer: BY any of these Methods

6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member?
Answer: 500 Bids Limit

7. Question: How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids?
Answer: All Of These

8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board?
ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding

9. Question: how can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project
Answer: All of these

10. Question: Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left?
Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard

11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these

12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project?
Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox

 13. How much does it cost to bid on a project?
Answer: It Depends on the project budget

14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer?
Answer: All of these are correct.

15. Question : Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project?
Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.

16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?
Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid

17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member?
Answer: 50

18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?
Answer: 100

19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project
Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support

20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these

21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on freelancer.com?
Answer: Any of these

22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not?
The employer doesn’t allow feedback

23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method?
Answer:All of these are correct

If a freelancer prefers not to start a project until a Milestone Payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid?
Enter an amount in the "Initial milestone percentage required (0-100%)?" box on the bid form.

24.I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do?
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request.

I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do?
Answer:Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.

What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
  Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible

27.What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods?
Answer: All of these are correct

28.How can Freelancers earn back their bids?
Answer:By accepting a project that has been awarded to them.

29.Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on Freelancer.com
Answer:Freelancer Affiliate Program

I've completed a project, but the employer hasn't made the PayPal payment promised. What should I do?
Answer:There is no recourse available on Freelancer.com for projects paid outside the Milestone Payment system

When does a freelancer pay a commission on a fixed-price project?
Answer:When the freelancer accepts the project

I was awarded a project several days ago, but the Milestone Payment I requested hasn't been created. What should I do?
Answer:Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request

What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project?
Answer:Send his/her email address

Which of the following is NOT a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project?
Answer:Offer a lower price in exchange for good feedback

Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left?
Answer:In the "Welcome" section of the Dashboard

Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project?
Answer:work samples

How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer:All of these

What is the monthly bid limit for a Premium member?

How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on Freelancer.com?
Answer:There is no cost to register.

What advantage does the Milestone Payment system offer freelancers over other payment methods?
Answer:All of these are correct

How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Answer:There is no way to contact an employer

How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Answer:Send a private message to the employer's Inbox.

Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
Answer:Yes, if the project is still open for bidding.

I've noticed a project that violates Freelancer.com's policies. What should I do?
Answer:Submit a ticket to the "Report Violations" department of Online Support.

I have submitted feedback for an employer, but it doesn't show on the employer's profile. Why not?
Answer:The employer hasn't yet submitted feedback for you.

How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
Answer:By any of these methods

What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Answer:Launch a dispute as soon as possible.

1.  Where Can I Find a list of projects i’m Currently working on?
Answer: On the freelancer View of my Dashboard

2. Question: How Much Does it Cost To Register as a Freelancer On Freelancer.com
Answer:  There is No Cost To Register

3. How can a freelancer increase his/her chances of winning bids?
Answer: All of these

4. Multiple Freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancer as an employer
Answer: False

5. Question : How can A Freelancer stay up to date on new projects
Answer: BY any of these Methods

6. Question: What is the Mountly Bid limit for a Premium member?
Answer: 500 Bids Limit

7. Question: How can a Freelancer Increase his/her Chances of Winning bids?
Answer: All Of These

8. Which of the following is the Correct way for a freelancer to use the project Clairification Board?
ANSWER: TO Ask Questions about a project after Bidding

9. Question: how can A freelancer Avoid being Cheated on a project
Answer: All of these

10. Question: Where can a Freelancer see how many bid He/she has Left?
Answer: in the Welcome Section of the Dashboard
11. What Would pervient a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these

12. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being setected for a project?
Answer: Send a private message to the employer’s inbox

13. How much does it cost to bid on a project?
Answer: It Depends on the project budget

14. What advantages does standard membershio offer a freelancer?
Answer: All of these are correct.
15. Question : Which of the Following methods is Recommended for a freelancer to draw extra Attention to his/her Bid on a project?
Answer : Choose the Highlight my bid opton.

16. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as private?
Answer: Yes,but there is a $3.00 fee to bid

17. What the Mountly bid limit for a basic member?
Answer: 50 

18. How many job types can a premium member have selected the qualification section of his/her profile?
Answer: 100

19. What Should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project
Answer: Report the activity to freelancer.com Support
20. What Would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
Answer: Any of these

21. Besides doing employer projects, how else can a freelancer make money on freelancer.com?
Answer: Any of these 

22. I have Submitted feedback for an employer.But it doesn’t show on the employer’s profile ,why not?
The employer doesn’t allow feedback

23. What advantage does the Milestone Payment system Offer freelancers over other payment method?
Answer:All of these are correct

I was awarded a project several days ago,but the milestone payment I requested hasn’t been created what should I do? 
Contact the employee with a polite remember or issue a milestone payment request.

What should a freelancer do if an employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project
Report the employer to freelancer.com support

I’ve Completed a project,but the employee hasn’t made the paypal payment promised,what should I do?
These is no recourse available on freelancer.com for projects paid outside the milestone payment system

What advantage does the milestone payment system offer freelancer over Offer payment method?
All of these are correct

How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
By any of those methods

How can a freelancer deliver a project to the employer?
Answer any of those.

How much commission will be deducted from a Standard member's account for a project awarded for a bid of $300.00?
30$ or 15$., 15$ is more accurate

Q. How much does it cost to bid on a project?
There is no cost to place a bid

Q. How can a freelancer contact an employer before being selected for a project?
Send the private message to the employer’s inbox

Q. Where can I find a list of projects I’m currently working on?
On the freelancer tab View of My dashboard

Q. What is monthly bid limit for a premium member?

Q. What would prevent a freelancer from bidding on a project?
His/her skill doesn’t match the project

Q. How many job types can a Premium member have selected in the Qualifications section of his/her profile?

Q. What advantages does Standard membership offer a freelancer?
All of these

Q. How can increase his/her chance of winning bids
All of these

Q. What should a freelancer do if the employer asks for his/her contact information before awarding him/her a project?
Report the employer to freelancer support

Q. How can a freelancer avoid being cheated on a project?
All of these

Q. I have completed a project but the employer hasn’t made the paypal payment promised. What should I do?
There is no recourse available on freelancer.com for projects paid outside the milestone payment system.

Q. What advantage does the milestone payment system offer freelancers over the other payment method?
All of these are correct

Q. Which of the following is not a good way for a freelancer to ensure good feedback for a project?
Offer a low price in exchange for good feedback

Q. Which of the following methods is recommended for a freelancer to draw extra attention to his her bid on a project?
Choose the highlight my bid option

Q. Which of the following is a correct way for a freelancer to use the project clarification board?
To ask questions about project after bidding

Q. How much commission will be deducted from a standard members account for a project awarded for a bid of $300?

Q. Where can a freelancer see how many bids he/she has left?
In the welcome section of the dashboard

Q. I was awarded a project several days ago, but the milestone payment I requested hasn’t been created. What should I do?
Contact the employer with a polite reminder or issue a milestone payment request

Q. If a freelancer prefers not to star a project until a milestone payment has been created, how can he/she let prospective employers know that when placing a bid?
Enter a amount in the initial milestone percentage required (0-100) box in the bid form

Q. How much does it cost to register as a freelancer on freelancer.com?
There is no cost to register

Q. Which of the following can be posted in a private message immediately after bidding on a project?
All of these, email address, work samples, phone address
Q. Can a freelancer change a bid placed on a project?
Yes, if the project is still open for bidding

Q. I have submitted a feedback for an employer, but it doesn’t shows on employer’s profile. Why not?
The employer hasn’t yet submitted feedback for you.

Q. What should a freelancer do if he/she suspects an employer of fraud after bidding a project?
Report the activity to freelancer.com support.

Q. What is a montly bid limit for a basic member?

Q. How can a freelancer stay up to date on new projects?
By any of these methods

Q. Can a freelancer bid on a project that’s posted as Private?
There is no such thing as a private project

Q. Multiple freelancer.com accounts are required in order to both bid on jobs as a freelancer and hire freelancers as an employer

Q. What action should a freelancer take if an employer cancels a Milestone Payment before the project deadline?
Send a message to the employer asking why it was canceled